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The ability for a dog to reliably respond to a recall command is crucial for their safety and overall well-being. Ensuring that your dog can be called back to your side swiftly, in any situation, is essential for preventing potential dangers, such as running into traffic or encountering unfriendly animals.

We place a high emphasis on the importance of recall and offer a specialised programme aimed at addressing issues with poor recall.

Utilising positive reinforcement techniques in dog training has proven to be an exceptionally effective strategy for achieving dependable recall. Rewards like treats, affection, or playtime help to forge a positive link between obeying the recall command and receiving something enjoyable in return. This approach not only motivates the dog to comply with the recall command more consistently but also deepens the relationship between the pet and their owner.


With a commitment to patience, consistency, and the principles of positive reinforcement, it's possible to teach dogs to eagerly anticipate and respond to their owner's call, leading to safer and more pleasurable outings.

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